Thursday, November 18, 2010

Identity Theft Misconceptions

A recent survey by Kindsight revealed some misconceptions by internet users what they perceive as identity theft risks.

Anyone living in the modern world can't help but be aware that identity theft is real, and that it's a real problem. But how well do people understand what their own risks are? Not surprisingly, virtually all of those questioned had some understanding of identity theft. However, many had only a limited understanding of just what kinds of behavior put them at risk.

It appears that many consumers still are not entirely sure of what type of activities to avoid, and what they can do to protect their identities online. Five key misconceptions about cybersecurity emerged:

Misconception #1 I’m safe because I never shop online 
Misconception #2 I’m safe because I have anti-virus protection 
Misconception #3 I’m safe because the website is secure 
Misconception #4 I’m safe because it’s easy to recognize fake sites 
Misconception #5 Facebook is safe enough; no need to worry

Cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated and always looking for new and better ways to steal your identity online.